Retirement Planning : How To Write Your Digital Will - Preserving Your Digital Estate

What is a digital will?

A digital will is a document that instructs loved ones on how to manage your digital presence and assets after you’re gone.

In terms of what goes into the digital will, it is important to understand what you own, what you license, and whether your digital rights outlive you

Many of our experiences are kept and shared online through social media sites like Facebook, our email accounts, and in photo archives like Google Photos.

 You may want your heirs, friends, or family to have access to some or all of these.

Here are some steps to take to help get your digital estate in order, including how to handle your social media accounts.

1. Take stock of your digital accounts
Your first step is to decide which digital assets you want your heirs to be able to access, including your social media accounts and email. 

2. Write out a list of your accounts. If you include usernames and passwords, then be sure to store them in a secure location and periodically update the information as needed.

3. Write out a list of your investments held in digital format with their corresponding passwords

* Deposits in online banking platforms, internet banks and payment portals like PayPal, Paystack, etc
* Agrictech Investments
* Crowdfunding investment platforms
* Stock Market investment using investment apps
* Online savings accounts
* Bank account details, numbers, ATM cards with their password
* Online trading and affiliate business platforms like eBay, clickbank, etc
* Life Insurance policy
* Cryptocurrency 
* Loans, mortgages and credit facilities

4. Plan your digital legacy

Google: You can add up to 10 trusted contacts, who will receive an email that bequeaths files stored on a Google service if your account is left unattended between three and 18 months.

Facebook: You may nominate a legacy contact to manage your profile after your death. This could be memorialising the page, or closing it.

Instagram: Provides an option to memorialise an account, which means nobody can log in or change it. To memorialise an account, anyone can provide a link to an obituary or news article reporting the death. You can also request account closure.

Twitter: The only option is to deactivate the profile by submitting a form with information on the deceased, including a death certificate.

LinkedIn: Executors, colleagues or friends of the deceased can notify LinkedIn that someone has passed away, so their account can be closed and the profile removed.

iTunes: Music files, television series and films are licensed, rather than owned, and cannot be bequeathed.

How do you store your Digital Will

1. Set up a new email account or Google drive
2. Email your Digital Will to this your new account or upload to your Google drive
3. Upload a copy of your Legal Will to this same email address or Google drive
4. Upload copies of your estate documents to this same platform - 
* Real estate investments,
* Properties
* stock holding statements,
* Share certificates
* Business & Company registration documents
* Business partnership documents
* Life insurance policies
* Your burial and celebration of life suggestion, desire - format, program etc

5. Inform your Spouse, or Children or trusted friend (Legacy partner) about this email or Google drive, share the password with them and let them know that if anything happens to you they are to access the platform for all your information


How to add a Facebook legacy contact

Facebook offers a way for you to designate a legacy contact, a person who can manage your social media account if you should pass away. The legacy contact can write a pinned post for your profile as a farewell message or as a way to let your friends know the details of a memorial service. Your designated person can also respond to friend requests, update your profile and cover photos, and request the removal of your account.

There are limits to what the legacy contact can do. He or she won’t be able to access your messages, remove or alter past posts, or delete friends.

Here’s how to set it up. 
Go to your general account settings and choose “Manage Account.” Use the “Choose a friend” box to add your legacy contact. That person will receive an email explaining how the process works. You might want to check with that friend or family member before you add them to make sure they’re willing to handle the responsibility.

How to Set up a Google trusted contact

Google has a method called Inactive Account Manager for handling your account after your death. You set up a trusted contact and that person will be notified if your account goes inactive after a certain period of time. You can choose what aspects of your Google data are shared with that person.

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