Make Money With Blogs in Nigeria

Are you ready to make your income online? Do you know the secrets of how to make money blogging? If you answered no, you will want to read on. So let’s get started. 

#1 Use WordPress
There are plenty of blogging platforms but WordPress is considered the best choice. It can be easily set up and you can begin blogging in no time even if you are new to the blogging experience. There is no need for you to have a bunch of technical skills. It is also easy to customize and offers tons of powerful plug ins. If you want to make money blogging online then you want to use WordPress.

#2 Install Plug Ins
There are some terrific plug in options within WordPress. Let’s look at the ones you should be sure to install.

Share This Plug In – this allows readers to bookmark your site on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. 

Similar Post Plug In – this plug in allows you to keep visitors reading on your blog by recommending other content that is similar.

Akismet – this is a spam fighting tool you won’t want to be without. 

Ad Rotator Plug In – this lets you rotate your affiliate ads and links on your blog through automation.

#3 Fresh Content
It is very important that your blog content always remain fresh. Create featured posts about a product, highlight new products, review products, etc. Just make sure you keep posting new and interesting content.

#4 Embed Multi Media
Different readers learn and retain information in different manners. Some do well just reading text, while others do much better listening to audio instruction, and still others like hands on experiences. Make sure you maximize your multimedia content on your blog to appeal to the widest range of readers. 

#5 Encourage Readers to Participate
If you want to make money blogging you need to create a feeling of community among your readers so encourage them to participate and interact. People only buy merchandise from those they trust and this is how you build trust. You can help by blogging often, blogging about issues that are controversial, asking for comments, asking for feedback, and responding to comments and feedback. 

#6 Include Commission Boosting Activities
If you want to make money blogging you are going to be working with affiliates. To boost your affiliate commissions you need to include activities that peak your readers interests to not only come by often but that do a good job of promoting your product(s). Interviews, contests, surveys, etc. are all great ways to draw your readers in. 

There you have it – 6 tips to help you blog your way to an online income.  Join today and learn how to Create Wealth and Streams of Passive Income towards your financial independence